On Air
Mon - Fri: 05:00 AM - 10:00 AM

2024 Parade Registration Received!

Thank you so much for submitting your business or organization for the 2024 Mix 96.9 Von Braun Center Huntsville Christmas Parade!  We can’t wait to read all about your ideas for this year’s event. The theme this year is “CHRISTMAS IN TOYLAND”!!

Please note that submitting your information does NOT guarantee you a spot in this year’s parade. A panel meets every week to review each submission. Shortly after that meeting, you will receive an email stating that your submission was either approved or not approved. If, for some reason your entry was not approved, we will tell you why and give you a chance to re-submit your information.

If your submission is approved, you will be sent paperwork that will be required, along with a list of items you need to provide (i.e. driver’s license, insurance, etc.), and a link to make your entry fee payment.

If you have any questions at ANY TIME, feel free to reach out via email to parade@mix969huntsville.com or call Michelle at (256) 885-9797!  We will do our best to make this as easy and painless as possible!
