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Growing Hope/Casino Night benefitting New Hope Children’s Clinic
The Royal at Stovehouse 3414 Governor Dr. SW, HuntsvilleCelebrate 15 years of the New Hope Children’s Clinic at the annual Growing Hope-Casino Night. March 28th at The Royal at Stovehouse in Huntsville. There will be Las Vegas-style games, live and silent auctions, live music and
Rev’d Up for Autism
Flint River Baptist Church Parking Lot 12945 US 231, Hazel GreenCome enjoy antique, classic and modern vehicles, along with food trucks, vendors and so much more! This event supports the Make A Way Foundation, helping families get the resources they need to help their children who are
FREE to attend
Fackler Tractor and Car Show
Fackler Fire Department 29 County Rd 45, FacklerFackler Fire Dept is hosting this event to raise money to help purchase necessary equipment and supplies for the department. $20 entry fee. Admission is free.